Technology in the Classroom

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PBS 45 & 49

You Can Earn Graduate-Level Credit from PBS 45 & 49s Technology in the Classroom Workshop Series

PBS 45 & 49s Department of Educational Services offers graduate school credit hours through Kent State University

Teacher licensure regulations in Ohio require teachers to obtain professional training experiences in order to retain their professional credentials. Most LPDCs honor university graduate credit in this regard. Teachers in the PBS 45 & 49 service region may now earn such credit by participating in a series of workshops offered either by the PBS 45 & 49 staff at your location or at the PBS 45 & 49 facility in Kent.

This is your chance to receive graduate credit from Kent State University by taking classes of your choosing to help you integrate technology into your classroom.

How can I earn graduate-level credit from PBS 45 & 49?
PBS 45 & 49 will be able to grant one graduate-level credit hour to educators who enroll in and attend a series of educational technology workshops spread out over the academic year. The workshops will be led by PBS 45 & 49s staff of educational technology consultants.

The graduate-level credit hour will be granted by the participating universities, but teachers must register for the course through PBS 45 & 49.

To earn one graduate-level credit hour, teachers must have 15 contact hours for Kent State University.

To complete the course and receive a grade (S or U), the teacher must implement in his/her classroom curriculum one of the educational technologies studied in the course and submit a summary of the experience to PBS 45 & 49.

How much does it cost?
Tuition cost for teachers is $125 at Kent State University.

Participants must also cover the cost for each technology workshop attended at PBS 45 & 49. Classes will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

How do I sign up?
You will find the sign-up forms here. Make checks payable to the university in which you are enrolling BUT send your registration to PBS 45 & 49 along with your check or credit card information. DO NOT SEND REGISTRATION TO THE UNIVERSITY.

Send forms and payments to:

Technology in the Classroom
Laura Jarvis
PBS 45 & 49
P.O. Box 5191
Kent OH

What workshops are being offered?
In addition to the graduate credit fee, you will pay PBS 45 & 49 for individual workshops. Classes will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. You will register for workshops at PBS 45 & 49 as you always have by calling Laura at or e-mailing her at . You are responsible for keeping track of the number of hours you have taken. Workshop selections and their contact hours are as follows (dates and times of workshops can be found in the TechKnowledgy Newsletter or at the PBS 45 & 49 Web site):

" Palm Handheld Computers (3)
" Using Digital Still Cameras in the Classroom (2)
" Building Your First Web Pages (3)
" Inspiration and/or Kidspiration (2)
" PowerPoint (3)
" Word (3)
" Excel (3)
" Electronic Portfolios (2)
" TimeLiner (2)
" *WebQuests (3 / 6)
" Teaching Media Literacy & Critical Viewing Skills (3)
" Scanners (3)
" Integrating Technology Into the Curriculum (3 / 6)
" Digital Cameras (3 / 6)
" *PhotoShop Elements (6)
" iMovie (6)
" 4th- & 6th-Grade Proficiency Tests and Technology (3)

*These can be offered as one-hour credit classes for 15 hours

How will I know when these workshops are being offered?
PBS 45 & 49 publish a list of scheduled workshops in our TechKnowledgy Newsletter each month. We will also post all workshops for Technology in the Classroom online.

Do I sign up for all the workshops at once or through the course of the year?
Thats up to you, but keep in mind that the workshops are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. You might want to schedule all your workshops in the beginning of the year to ensure your spot. However, you can sign up for individual workshops throughout the year.

What can I expect to get out of this workshop series?
Technology in the Classroom is designed to instruct teachers and administrators in the use of educational technologies for the classroom and is intended to help enhance teaching performance. You will select the workshops that meet your educational needs.

The course objectives are to help you acquire basic skills in the use of many educational technologies, incorporate these technologies into your classroom teaching, and participate in discussions about technology use in the classroom.

Where can I get more information?
For more information about earning graduate-level credit through PBS 45 & 49s Technology in the Classroom, contact Maria Mastromatteo () or David Benson () at .