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PBS 45 & 49 and You: Stronger Together

Instructional Television

Key to the ITV Program Listings

This Key to the ITV Program Listings will help you understand all of the information provided in our individual ITV program listings.


A --> -->- Ama-Zone! The Rain Forest Project

B- Five 10-minute lessons
C- Produced 2000 -- A PBS 45 & 49 Production
D- School use rights: unlimited
E- Grades 5-9 / Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, Integrated Learning
F- (closed-captioned)
G- Teachers Guide (available online)
H- 5/8 S, SS
I- Video Tape Library
J- http://www.pbs4549.org/itv

K- Are you ready for an adventure in the jungle? Are you tingling all over when you think about looking at pictures of snakes, spiders and other "yucky" things? Well, step into the Ama-Zone! Get yourself and your students ready for an exciting trip through the jungle.

The main goal of this simulation is for students to understand that their actions have an effect on the rain forest and, in turn, the rain forest (products, animals, etc.) has an effect on them. We as individuals need to be aware of our actions and the consequences of choices we make.

The main goal of the lessons is to help students understand basic scientific concepts about the rain forest. These concepts include biodiversity, classification, the interrelationship among species, rain forest products, weather, deforestation, adaptations and the differences between plants and animals.

L- Mondays at 10:30 am

Nov. 10 1. A Rain Forest Overview -M
17 2. The Challenge

Dec. 1 3. The Culture
8 4. Biodiversity
15 5. Medicines and Pharmacy

N- Block Feeds 9/9; 10/15; 4/14

A. Title of the series or special.

B. Number of programs in the series and their length.

C. The year in which the series was produced.

D. School use rights: Once you've recorded the series, this is how long you can keep it. PBS 45 & 49 pay for the rights to broadcast each series and an additional fee so you can record the programs.

E. Grade level and subject areas for which the series is designed.

F. Closed captioning is available for a limited number of series.

G. If a teacher guide for the series is available, we've indicated it here.

H. Proficiency grade levels (Grades 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 10) and subject areas (S = Science; M = Math; SS = Social Studies; W = Writing; and R = Reading)

I. Videotape Library (VTL) availability: You can get most series from our Videotape Library for a duplication fee.

J. The http://www.pbs4549.org/itv indicates that the series has a web site. Go to http://www.pbs4549.org/itv, where you'll find the program's web site link.

K. This overview provides a brief description of the series.

L. The day of the week and time the programs will be broadcast on PBS 45 & 49.

M. The program number and title along with the specific date of broadcast.

N. If the series will be part of our block feed schedule, this line indicates the date(s). Block feeds broadcast series in their entirety so you can record them in sequence all at once on your own tape. All block feeds air from 3 am to 5 am Monday through Friday.

ITV Programs By Subject Area

ITV Programs: Alphabetical Listing

ITV Schedule

ITV Block Schedule

Proficiency Correlation

Videotape Library

Online Teacher Guides

Teacher Guide Order Form

ITV Programs Web sites

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