Rain Forest Webquests

  • Animals of the Rainforest--Middle School--by Diane Zentz--Students are told that the Indianapolis Zoo would like to expand their rain forest exhibit and need to learn more about the animals who live there.  Students select five animals, answer questions about them and then draw a picture of one of the animals.

  • Collaborative Thematic Unit--Rain Forests and Planet Ecology--Grades 3-5--by Susan Cochran and Ann Schwarting--Teaches rain forest facts through literature.

  • Ecuador Rainforest WebQuest--Middle School--The students are part of a company who have been asked to present recommendations as to what should be included in an exhibit to represent the Ecuadorian rain forest at the Washington Zoo.

  • Rainforest Webquest--First Grade--Lafayette-Pershing School--Students learn about the Rainforest and, as a project, will be collecting money to buy rainforest land.

  • Where on Earth Can I Live?--Intermediate or Middle School--by Carla Woods--Pokemoony is a friendly creature from another planet covered by rain forests.   Her ship crashed on earth and she cannot get back to her home planet of Pokemoon.  The student's job is to find Pokemoony a new home in one of earth's rainforests.

  • Toucan Sam--Middle School--presented by the Kellogg Company--Gives students questions to answer and information about the rain forest, its inhabitants, plants, animals, and the value of it.  (Students can also look for hidden Fruit Loops as they work.)