Ohio?s Prehistoric People: Comparing Ohio's Prehistoric Peoples Using of Graphic Organizers
Each group of Ohio's prehistoric people was unique in various aspects of culture and the changes they brought to the society of that time. Yet, the different civilizations, spanning thousands of years, shared many attributes. Each group needed shelter but found or created it in different ways. Food needed to be obtained. There are many similarities and differences in this aspect, alone, altered by the passage of time. Tools and artifacts of decoration became more important as wandering cultures established themselves into settlements. This lead to the institution and growth of economies to help people meet their needs, and opened the door to the interrelation of groups of prehistoric peoples far beyond the present-day borders of Ohio. Ceremonies, celebrations and paying tribute to the dead were significant expressions of life common to each culture, and the forms of those expressions, too, shared similarities and differences.
Video Synopsis:
Prehistoric Ohioans
They came to our state more than 12,000 years ago. Some believe they crossed a land bridge from Siberia to Alaska and migrated south. Prehistoric Ohioans looks at the Paleo, Archaic, Adena, Hopewell, Whittlesey and Fort Ancient peoples. See who lived, hunted, gathered, farmed and built mysterious mounds in Ohio.
Students will use graphic organizers to identify similarities and differences between prehistoric cultures in Ohio.
Social Studies Content Standards
Grade 4 Benchmark: History
Indicator: Settlement
2. Describe the earliest settlements in Ohio including those of prehistoric peoples. Grade 4
Benchmark: People in Society
Indicator: Cultures
1. Describe the cultural practices and products of various groups who have settled in Ohio over time:
a. The Paleo Indians, Archaic Indians, Woodland Indians (Adena and Hopewell )
And Late Prehistoric Indians (Fort Ancient)
Graphic organizers: webs, Venn diagrams and tables
Visual Organizers Worksheets
The Paleo-Indians
The Archaic People
The Adena
The Hopewell
The Whittlesey
The Fort Ancient
Compare these groups of prehistoric peoples: Paleo and Archaic
Compare these groups of prehistoric peoples: Fort Ancient and Whittlesey (Late Prehistoric)
Compare these groups of prehistoric peoples: Adena and Hopewell (Woodland)
Compare these groups of prehistoric peoples: Adena, Hopewell and Fort Ancient
- After viewing one or more videos from the set, One State-Many Nations, or after your own teaching of the subject, use graphic organizers with which students can identify similarities and differences between Ohio' s prehistoric peoples. These can be completed by individual students, or in teams of two to four children.
Visual organizers answer key
Students and teachers can use this checklist to check their graphic organizer.
_____ I used library books to find information.
_____ I used textbooks to find information.
_____ I used recommended Internet sites.
_____ I wrote down where I got my information.
_____ I gave some details for each main idea.
_____ I used the most important thing I learned.
_____ I had important information to share.