1. The people native to this land are called Indians because they came from India. |
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2. It is a known fact that the Native people of this land came from Asia. |
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3. All Native Americans have the same traditions and share a common Native religion. |
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4. All Native Americans used the tepee as a form of housing. |
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5. Native American religion was based on nature worship and a pantheon of different gods that represented the forces of nature. |
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6. Native economy was based on the wampum bead as a medium of exchange. |
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7. Native social structure was based on a chief, who headed the village, and his family, who were considered royalty, such as the Indian princess. |
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8. Painted symbols on Native faces were to frighten an enemy. |
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9. The pipe is a sacred symbol of all creation and the tobacco smoked in it has a spiritual meaning. |
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10. Certain feathers hold special meaning for some Native people and the way they are worn or displayed can serve to identify that persons accomplishments. |
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11. In what year was the last armed Indian uprising on the North American continent?
12. What was the head gear that Woodland chiefs most commonly wore?
________________________________________ or _____________________________________
13. What was the number-one killer of Native people when they had first contact with Europeans?
14. Name the three staple foods of the Woodland Native people (also known as the Three Sisters).
_________________________, ____________________________ and ______________________
15. At this time, what is the earliest known date for any Native American artifact?
16. Where was that artifact found?
17. What is the name of the common theory that is used in textbooks to describe the origin of, and the supposed migration of, Native people of this hemisphere?
In our culture there are names or titles used to describe Native people and their role or the position of responsibility they hold within their nation. See how many you can identify. (While the major Native names were used historically, they are now considered racist when used in certain situations!)
a. An Indian baby is called a__________________________________________________
b. An Indian woman is a ____________________________________________________
c. An Indian leader is a ______________________________________________________
d. An Indian man is a _______________________________________________________
e. An Indian warrior is a _____________________________________________________
f. An Indian healer is a ______________________________________________________
g. The daughter of the head man is an ___________________________________________
19. The major Native American holiday that is celebrated once a year is called
20. Who said, "The only good Indian is a dead Indian"?
21. Most Hollywood movies use real Native American music. |
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22. Native Americans wore charms or talismans made from animal or plant parts to give them good luck. |
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23. Arrowheads are usually as long as the hunter's first finger.
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24. Ideas for parts of the documents on which we base our form of government were copied from the Iroquois Six Nations, and Benjamin Franklin discussed the ideas with tribal leaders.
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25. Woodland Native women had as much power as men within the tribal structure and had a voice in tribal government. |
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