PBS 45 & 49

Volume 7, #4
December 2002



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Did You Know?

By Ria Mastromatteo, Educational Technology Consultant ()

A national survey conducted by the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) reports that . . .

  • Only 20 percent of teachers consider themselves well prepared to use technology in their classes (1999).

  • 66 percent of teachers who received more than 32 hours of technology-related training felt well to very well prepared to use technology in the classroom; 34 percent felt prepared with nine to 32 hours of training; and 24 percent felt prepared with nine hours of training (2000).

  • 98 percent of schools and 77 percent of classrooms are connected to the Internet (2000).

  • 84 percent of teachers believe that computers and access to the Internet improve the quality of education. Two-thirds report that the Internet is not well integrated into their classes (2001).


From Learning and Leading With Technology, Vol. 30 No. 1