Summer 2003 Contents

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Summer is a great time ... TO READ!

Parent tips by grade

Reading Rockets has developed easy-to-use parent tips that you are welcome to print out, hand out and put on your refrigerator door! The tips are divided by age for preschoolers through 3rd grade -- and show parents how to have a big impact on their child's ability to read. The tips are on Reading Rockets' "home away from home" web site at

Our favorite Latino and Spanish-language books

If you're a parent or teacher looking for books that reflect Hispanic or Latin American culture, we've got the list for you! This month's recommended books for kids from 0-9 years old include titles by Gary Soto, Alma Flor Ada and other notable Hispanic and Latin American children's authors. Consider adding some of these books to your collection! Go to

Lost summers and few opportunities to read

Many kids lose ground in their reading skills during the summer months, some more than others. In fact, research shows that students from low-income families are more likely to experience "summer reading loss." One reason for this, say Anne McGill-Franzen and Richard Allington, is because low-income kids don't have the same access to books during the summer as more well-off kids. The authors present some suggestions for what schools can do. Go to


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