Summer 2003 Contents

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Books for Parents: Media Literacy

Dr. Dave's Cyberhood: Making Media Choices That Create a Healthy Electronic Environment for Your Kids
by David Walsh, Ph.D.

The solution isn't simply to unplug everything. The key for parents, says Walsh, is to be informed and involved when choosing.

The Smart Parent's Guide to Kids' TV
by Milton Chen, Ph.D.
Chen prescribes a family TV diet plan and addresses the use of VCRs, the worth of camcorders and the dangers of video games.

The Media Wise Family
by Ted Baehr

Examines how you and your children use television, movies and multimedia, helps you understand how your children learn and what effect entertainment has on them at different stages of growth.

TV Time: 150 Fun Family Activities That Turn Your Television Into a Learning Tool
by Debra Koontz Traverso
Outstanding ideas to entertain, inform and inspire a child's imagination and creativity while using television.

"Mommy, I'm Scared": How TV and Movies Frighten Children and What We Can Do to Protect Them
by Joanne Cantor, Ph.D.
Advice from the expert on children and the media for today's caregivers.

Screen Smarts: A Family Guide to Media Literacy
by Gloria DeGaetano & Kathleen Bander
Describes the impact of television on children's physical, mental and emotional development. Each chapter proposes skills, activities and techniques for counteracting negative outcomes and transforming media viewing into an opportunity for analysis, discussion and learning.

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