PBS 45 & 49 links

PBS Prime Time for Teachers

May 2003 Prime Time for Teachers
- Hitler’s Victory
- Ken Burns American Stories: Baseball
- Ken Burns American Stories: The Congress
- Kingdom of David: The Saga of the Israelites
- Ohio: 200 Years
- Peter and Paul and the Christian Revolution
- The Roman Empire in the First Century

April 2003 Prime Time for Teachers
- PBS TeacherSource
- Alan Alda in Scientific American Frontiers
- American Experience
- Avoiding Armageddon
- Frontline
- Peter and Paul and the Christian Revolution
- Race: The Power of an Illusion
- Yalta: Peace, Power and Betrayal

March 2003 Prime Time for Teachers
- Benjamin Franklin
- Becoming American: The Chinese Experience

February 2003 Prime Time for Teachers
- Alan Alda in Scientific American Frontiers: The Wonder Pill
- American Experience
- Freedom: A History of US
- Napoleon
- Nature: The Reptiles

January 2003 Prime Time for Teachers
- Chicago: City of the Century
- Secrets of the Dead: Tragedy at the Pole

PBS Teacher Source

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