Got Roots? Doing an Oral History Project


Objective: Student will create a timeline listing one event for each year of their lives.


  1. Explain to the students that a timeline is a simple way to organize information about yourself or your ancestors.

  2. Have the students take timeline home and write down an event that happened each year in their life. Use the timeline handout. (Click here to get the handout.)

  3. Remind the students that it is not necessary to fill in an event for every year of their lives, but the year must be included even though there is nothing at that location.

  4. Introduce the concept of documentation of the source. Students need to take three events in their life and find documented proof for that event.

Material:  Timeline chart

Assessment:  It is important that students have…

  • an event for each year of their lives
  • documentation of three events.


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