Social Life: An Interview with Evelyn Brown
by Tia

Tia: What were your friends like in School?

Mrs. B: Oh, I had a lot of friends, mostly... One thing I'd like to explain to you, that is where I came from they were more or less segregated. I think you know what that is. We didn't have the opportunity to go to school with the white kids cause they didn't go to school with us. So, it was a little bit more difficult than it is today cause we had our own school. We didn't have school buses, but after I came to Alliance, I did get a chance to learn how to drive a school bus. I used to drive a school bus here. In fact, I worked here at Morgan School too as a cafeteria aide some years ago.

What Tia learned from Mrs. B.:
She grew up in the South. The girls back then used to wear mostly skirts and dresses. Today girls mostly wear pants. I learned that she is 71 years old. She was born on May 15, 1930. I learned that she used to go to church all the time. I learned also that movies only cost 10 cents when she was young. She was a cafeteria aide at Morgan. She used to drive the school bus.

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