One 30-minute lesson
Produced 2001 A PBS 45 & 49 Production
School use rights: unlimited
Grades 9-12 / Social Studies
Video Only - Call Becky Tarka at to purchase
(closed captions)
WKSU's Vincent Duffy takes viewers behind the scenes of the Akron-Subotica Partnership. Subotica (suh boe TEET suh) is among many Serbian cities working to develop a democratic form of government and rebuild their economy. In November 2001, representatives from Subotica toured Akron's landfill and water purification plants. Their visit followed a similar trip by Akron Mayor Don Plusquellic, when he visited two Serbian cities. Serbian officials visited cities in the U.S. -- Akron among them -- to get ideas on better methods of providing basic public services such as waste management, water treatment, snow removal and landfilling.