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PBS 45 & 49 and You: Stronger Together

Instructional Television

The Inside Story With Slim Goodbody

Eight 15-minute lessons
Produced 1981
School use rights: 1 year
Grades K-6 / Health, Guidance
(closed captions)
Teachers Guide
5 S
Video Tape Library
http://www.pbs4549.org/itv --> -->

Slim Goodbody sings and dances his way through huge working models of the human heart, lungs and digestive system to help children understand what really happens inside their bodies.

1. Lubba Dubba: Story of the Human Heart

2. The Breath of Life

3. Down, Down, Down

4. Your Bones and Muscles

5. Your Brain and Nervous System

6. Sensational Five: The Senses

7. The Little Giants: The Glands

8. Human Symphony: Whole Body

Block Feeds 11/5 & 11/6

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