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Helping Children With Tragic Events in the News

Thoughts from Fred Rogers for Parents, Caregivers and Teachers
by Fred Rogers with Hedda Bluestone Sharapan

It is certainly understandable that parents, teachers, and caregivers are struggling with feelings about how to communicate with children about the tragic events in the news. These are emotional times for all of us. Anything that involves such great loss and devastation is bound to reawaken previous fears and significant losses in our own lives. As with all concerns about childhood, there arent magic answers. However, we are glad to share with you some of our thoughts for helping children cope with the fears and uncertainties that these events may have aroused, and we hope they may be helpful for you.

Help the children feel secure
Let children know that we adults and our government are doing our best to keep them safe and to care for their needs. We can also do our best to keep things as normal as possible. Familiar routines comfort children and can go a long way toward providing security.

Focus on the helpers
When I was a boy and would see scary things on the news, my mother would say to me, Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping. To this day, thats where I focus my attention to the many caring people in this world.

Limit childrens television viewing of the news events
Even very young children drink in television images, and the younger the children are, the more likely they are to be interested in close-up faces. Think of what weve seen recently on the news. Those images are too graphic and disturbing for young children.

Limit your own television viewing
Its very tempting to get drawn into watching news around the clock, but adults must resist that temptation because it can lead to a feeling of hopelessness and despair, which their children may sense.

Be a good listener
Even if we wanted to, it would be impossible to help young children understand about devastating news events. If they ask questions, your best answer may be to ask them, What do you think happened? If the answer is I dont know, then the simplest reply might be, Im sad about the news, and Im worried. But I love you, and I am here for you.

If parents dont bring up the subject, children may be left at the mercy of their misinterpretations. Parents may want to ask their children what they have heard. They might be surprised at how much they have heard from others.

Listening doesnt only happen through our ears. Children have many ways to let us know that something upsets them. Some children hold in their sad and angry feelings at first. They may let those feelings out weeks or months later.

Monitor childrens play
Play is one of the important ways children can work through their concerns. Of course, some play can be scary and unsafe. At times like that, adults should be nearby to redirect the play into caring and nurturing themes, perhaps by suggesting the building of the hospital for the wounded or making a pretend meal for the emergency helpers.

Help your children learn to handle anger constructively
One of the most important messages we can give our children is, Its okay to be angry, but its not okay to hurt. Anger is a natural and normal feeling, in families and among friends. Besides allowing children the right to their anger, we can also help them find constructive things to do with their angry
feelings -- things that dont hurt others or themselves or damage things. By showing children how to deal with their angry feelings in healthy ways, we are giving them useful tools that will serve them all life long and helping them to be the worlds future peacemakers.

From http://www.misterrogers.org

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