Winter 2005
Volume 9, Issue 1


The Ones To Grow On Past Issues

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Dragon Tales

Weekdays at 8 am

A new season of the award-winning series premieres in February on PBS Kids

“I wish, I wish with all my heart to fly with dragons in a land apart.”

One of PBS Kids’ highest-rated preschool series, Dragon Tales, takes children on a journey of self-discovery where they face challenges and overcome fears, while enveloped in a magical, supportive environment.

The series gently inspires children to persist when faced with obstacles, to try different approaches when resolving a problem and to understand that not succeeding fully is a natural and valuable part of learning.


Dragon Tales Educational Goals

Children are encouraged to:

  • Pursue the challenging experiences that support their growth and development.

  • Recognize that there are many ways to approach and learn from the challenging experiences in their lives.

  • Understand that to try and not succeed fully is a natural and valuable part of learning.

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