Got Roots? Doing an Oral History Project

You Be the Historian 

Investigate the life of the Thomas and Elizabeth Springer family in New Castle, Delaware. See if you can figure out what life was like 200 years ago.

Take LOTS of notes!

Create a narrative in which you are a member of the Springer family. Pick a period of time in your life...a day, a week, or longer...and through your narrative tell what your family's life is like. (hint...Think back to Harris and Me. Tell your story as "me" did.)

Additional requirements:
       • believable dialogue
       • obvious beginning, middle, end
       • detail and description of the time and events
       • appropriate word choice
       • minimum two pages, Times New Roman, 14, double spaced
Use your notes, the Web site and all the clues and explanations to help you in your writing.

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