School Life: An Interview with Sherry Edgar
by Olivia

Olivia: What was your favorite summer vacation memory from your childhood?

Ms. E.: The year I got to go to Coney Island, New York. That was really great. I got to see the Statue of Liberty and go up on the Empire State Building and go to Coney Island, which was really special.

Olivia: What did you do for fun when you were young?

Ms. E.: I spent a lot of time playing outside. Where we sit right now was a housing project and there was a ball field and there was a playground area and we spent a lot of time playing there. we even played out under the streetlights until it was like ten o'clock at night.

What Olivia learned from Ms. E.:
When my grandma was a child, she listened to Benny Goodman on her radio. Her radio was about four feet tall and she and her sister would sit on either side of it and listen to music. When she was a kid, things cost a lot cheaper. When she went to the store, bread was only twenty-nine cents. My grandma wasn't a very popular person. The popular kids wore poodle skirts and pulled down their bobby socks. They also wore their sweaters backwards. Overall, I learned from my grandma that her childhood was a lot different than mine.

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