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Sample Writing Rubric

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Organization Sequence of information is difficult to follow. Reader has difficulty following work because student jumps around. Student presents information in logical sequence which reader can follow. Information in logical, interesting sequence which reader can follow.
Content Knowledge Student does not have grasp of information; student cannot answer questions about subject.

Student is uncomfortable with content but is able to demonstrate basic concepts.

Student is at ease with content, but fails to elaborate. Student demonstrates full knowledge (more than required).
Grammar and Spelling Presentation has four or more spelling errors and/or grammatical errors. Presentation has three spelling errors and/or grammatical errors. Presentation has no more than two spelling errors and/or grammatical errors. Presentation has no spelling errors and no grammatical errors.

Work is illegible.

Work has three or four areas that are sloppy.

Work has one or two areas that are sloppy.

Work is neatly done.
Total ____

Copyright 2001, High Plains Regional Technology in Education Consortium

Copyright 2001-2003, Northeastern Educational Television of Ohio, Inc. All rights reserved.