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Wars War Monuments
Topics of Interest PDF File

Korean War

Activity 1 | Activity 2

In 1950, the North Koreans crossed the 38th parallel and invaded South Korea. Once again America was pulled into a conflict through a call for assistance from the United Nations. China also entered this fracas to keep the "hostile American forces" away from the Yalu River. The Korean War was the United States' first "unpopular war." Neither the public nor the military completely supported or understood the mission. In 1950 a truce was signed ending the war.

Korea + 50: No Longer Forgotten

Military History: Korean War (1950-1953)

The Korean War

The Korean War Factbook

Links (to Korean War)

North-South Joint Declaration /newsid_791000/791691.stm

Activity 1

Objective Students will make a presentation to answer questions about the Korean War.
  1. Divide the students into groups of two or three.
  2. Each group will select one of the questions listed below and do research to find the answer to the question (using the Web sites listed above).
    • How was it decided that the 38th parallel would be the dividing line between North and South Korea?
    • Why did North Korea cross the 38th parallel in 1950 and what were the consequences of their actions?
    • Why was China brought into the picture during the Korean War?
    • What is the chronology of the Korean War? Make a timeline.
    • How did the Korean War end?
    • What is the relationship between North and South Korea today?
  3. Students will make a presentation to the class on the material they learned in their research. Presentations can be made on poster board or using presentation software (Publisher, PowerPoint, HyperStudio, etc.). Students may choose to create a skit, make a public service announcement, write a play or use another method of presenting their material to the class.

The following rubric will be used to evaluate the projects.


Activity 2

Objective Students will identify people who played a key role in the Korean War
  1. Students will work in pairs.

  2. The pair will pick one person who played a significant role in the Korean War and will do research on this person.
  3. Students will make a poster citing key facts about this person. Facts can be found using the Web sites below or available print materials. At least five facts should be cited. The top of the poster will be labeled WHO AM I? The name of the person will be identified on the back of the poster.
  4. Posters will be numbered and displayed around the classroom
  5. Students will number their papers and go around the room and try to identify the person described in each poster.
  6. A prize could be awarded to the pair that correctly names the most people on the posters. (The teacher could give a list of people who are named on the posters and the students could match the names with the posters.)

Key People

Harry Truman: The American Presidency

Douglas MacArthur

Matthew Ridgeway

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Evaluation The poster should be titled WHO AM I? and cite five facts about the person; the name of that person should be listed on the back as well as the students' names. The teacher can evaluate based on the content of the poster and the students' ability to follow directions.


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