Number of Americans Killed/Wounded by Action

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Dollar Cost

1775-1783 (1) Revolutionary War 25,324 8,445 ----
1789 Indian Wars 6,125 2,156 ----
1798-1800 Franco-American Naval War 20 42 ----
1801-1815 Barbary Wars 35 64 ----
1812-1815 War of 1812 2,260 4,505 ----
1814 Marquesas Islands 4 1 ----
1822-1825 West Indies 3 5 ----
1832 Sumatra 2 11 ----
1835-1836 Texas War of Independence 704 138 ----
1846-1848 Mexican War 13,283 32 ----
1855 Fiji 1 2 ----
1859-1860 Texas Border Cortina War 5 18 ----
1861-1865 (2) Civil War, North 363,020 281,104 ----
1861-1865 (2) Civil War, South 199,110 137,102 ----
1853 Japan 5 6 ----
1867 Formosa 1 0 ----
1870 Mexico 1 4 ----
1871 Korea 4 10 ----
1898 Spanish American War 2,893 1,637 ----
1899-1902 Philippines War 4,273 2,840 ----
1899 Samoa 4 5 ----
1900 China Boxer Rebellion 53 253 ----
1902-1913 Moro Campaigns 130 300 ----
1904 Dominican Republic 1 0 ----
1911-1919 Mexico 19 69 ----
1912 Nicaragua 5 16 ----
1915-1920 Haiti 146 26 ----
1916-1922 Dominican Republic 144 50 ----
1917-1918 World War I 116,708 204,002 $33 billion
1918-1919 Russia, North Expedition 246 307 ----
1918-1920 Russia, Siberia Expedition 170 52 ----
1921-1941 China Yangtze Service 5 80 ----
1927- 1932 Nicaragua 136 66 ----
1941 North Atlantic Naval War 141 44 ----
1941-1945 World War II 408,306 670,846 $360 billion
1945-1947 Italy Trieste 6 14 ----
1945-1947 China Civil War 12 42 ----
1950-1953 Korean War 54,246 103,284 ----
1954 Matsu and Quemoy 3 0 ----
1957-1975 Vietnam War 58,219 (3) 153,356 $111 billion
1958-1984 Lebanon 268 169 ----
1962 Cuba 9 0 ----
1964 Panama Canal Riots 4 85 ----
1965-1966 Dominican Republic 59 174 ----
1966-1969 South Korea 89 131 ----
1967 Israel Attack/USS Liberty 34 171 ----
1980 Iran 8 0 ----
1980-1991 Terrorism 28 0 ----
1983 Grenada 19 100 $76 million
1983-1991 El Salvador 20 0 ----
1984-1989 Honduras 1 28 ----
1986 Libya 2 0 ----
1987 (4) Persian Gulf 148 467 ----
1989-1990 Panama 40 240 $16 million
1990-1991 Persian Gulf,
Operation Desert Storm
363 357 $61 billion
1991-1992 Somalia, Operation Restore Hope 8 ---- $.52 billion
2000 Yemen, USS Cole 17 ---- ----

(1) Includes Indian scouts, private militia, civilians fighting with Army or Navy
(2) Adjusted for post-war related deaths
(3) To be adusted yearly with post-combat deaths
(4) 3 combat, 148 terrorist casualties


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